And It’s STILL All Good, Baby Babyyy: A Decade In Review

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Anybody ever had an era, when things could’ve been better/Feeling like you was on a stretcher/And all you remember was the hecklers/But the universe lifts that weight/Then you shine like a new feather/Blessings on blessings et cetera/Feeling like the best year ever..
— Pharrell as feat. on “Nice” x The Carters.

A Disclaimer: Nah, I don’t believe in the “universe”, more like Jesus; but do catch the point of the lyrics.

Whoooooo knew we’d make it to this point? Like, really? 

Each year in 4th quarter, I take the time to reflect, grab all the lessons, celebrate the wins, and make note of the opportunities to level up before the end of the year and in the year to come and this year was no different. In addition to reviewing 2019, I felt like I needed to take a look back at the whole decade. 

It was many things! And rather than give you the play-by-play, I’m sharing a few of the major themes that showed up and how they’ve shaped me:

Closure & Ending Cycles— I cycled in and out of quite a few connections (both romantic and friendships). These relationships left me drained, agitated and with a collection of red flags. Throughout the decade, I had the chance to learned how to disconnect in a more healthy way. I also learned that closure doesn’t necessarily equal a conversation or receiving an apology, it’s you creating room for forgiveness and transition.

Balance— By nature, I’m future-minded. I’m always thinking ahead, and tend to see past and present actions and choices from the lens of how they’re likely to influence what’s ahead. In this decade I took the leap and became an entrepreneur, shifted career paths, and had my first child. With these major milestones came the need to shift my perspective and way of life. I’m now more motivated to find the balance between being present in the moment and looking toward the future.

Confidence—From adjusting to changes with my body and fluctuating weight, moving past situationships, serial dating and a broken engagement, I had a tough time being honest with myself and admitting the challenges I was having with how I felt about myself. I presented with a healthy level of self-esteem, but my habits told another story. These years taught me to be 100% transparent with God and myself. I’ve also learned that my worth isn’t tied to my performance, popularity or relationship status. I feel more comfortable, steady and sure.

Openness—I. Value. Privacy. So much so that in past years, my closest friends were still on the outside of all the walls I’d built up in my best effort at self-preservation. I’d mastered the art of giving just enough to make it seem like I was opening up, when in reality, I was being super surface. This decade came with it’s fair share of life-altering blows. I was taken to a place where I was required to be vulnerable and ask for help and support. It was humbling and necessary, and I can see how my life has shifted for the better since I began opening up.

I believe life is full of blessings and lessons; the past 10 years are my proof. I’m grateful for every experience and how it’s shaped me. Cheers to the coming of a new era; I’m on a new level.